Maintainers of eight projects will be there not just to demo their work, but to collaborate with everyone and dive deeper into the problems that their tools solve.

It is an open format! You can approach participants with any questions you have and start a gripping AMA session. Or open your laptop if some hacking is happening. So just be engaged at the expo!

You can find some useful facts below to prepare yourself for the campfire activities.
A campfire is a place where people can come together to have warm talks, share ideas, and collaborate with each other.
We want the same.
Welcome to the BalticRuby OSS expo campfires.
6. And of course, have some fun!
5. Don't stay aside at the expo! Your engagement is key!
4. Prepare yourself for the sessions with Campfire starters.
3. Dive deeper into the tools presented at the expo.
2. Do some homework about
1. Check out participants' profiles.
Here are some tips for you.
A man (Kasper Tim Hansen) in a brown t-shirt and carrying a backpack looking to the left.
ActiveRecord::AssociatedObject helps you notice & extract collaborator object POROs from your Active Records to bring more structure to your app's domain model.
Key benefits of Ruby for development?
Latest trends in Ruby programming?
How Ruby supports rapid prototyping?
Kasper Timm Hansen
Former Rails core team member now helping Rails teams with Domain Modeling consulting.
 to ask about?
Oaken structures your development seeds and lets you reuse them in tests. We also combine fixtures' stability and storytelling with factories' helpers to drastically reduce your cognitive load.
A man wearing glasses kindly smiling (Sam Giddins).
Oakland, California, USA
Ruby Central
Samuel is the Security Engineer in Residence at Ruby Central, leading security efforts across RubyGems and by day (and sometimes by night, CVEs never sleep). He's been working on Ruby tooling for the past decade, and has shipped hundreds of bugs across RubyGems & Bundler
Security Engineer
A man wearing a brown sweater smiles warmly (Nicolai Bach Woller).
Ebeltoft, Denmark
Senior Full Stack Developer
A man with a beard and a moustache smiles warmly (Mohamed Hassan).
A Rubyist since 2005 and a SQLitist since 2003.
An ex-Googler and an ex-entrepreneur.
Originally from Alexandria, Egypt.
Currently in Munich, Germany
Independent consultant
A man in a black sweatshirt (Max Grønlund)..
Denmark, Aarhus
Senior Developer Ruby on Rails | Elixir, Phoenix
A man with a beard and moustache smiles (Marco Roth).
Basel, Switzerland
Independent Consultant & Open Source Contributor
A man in a gray hoodie widely smiles (Kim Burgestrand).
Stockholm, Sweden
Partner, co-founder, and developer
A man with a beard and moustache looks aside with interest (Kasper Timm Hansen).
Copenhagen, Denmark
Former Rails core team member now helping Rails teams with Domain Modeling consulting
A man with a beard and moustache looks over his shoulder (Hans Lemuet).
Clermont-Ferrand, France
Web Developer at Etamin Studio, co-maintainer of ViewComponent and Lookbook, gravel bike rider
A man (David Backeus) in a white sweater is smiling widely.
Sweden, Stockholm
Devops Lead
Making websites since 1995
Working full stack with Rails since 2007
Devops Lead at Mynewsdesk since 2017