Supporting the growth of young Rubyists is at the heart of what we do. That’s why we offer free access for juniors and a special educational program during the conference, backed by amazing mentors and partners.
In 2025, we’re dedicating the Junior Bootcamp to the memory of Noah Gibbs, who made a huge impact on the Ruby community and education. Rest in peace, Noah. Your work lives on.
Bringing all the ideas, proposals, questions, and answers to one table with open-source project authors, contributors, and users — now that sounds exciting!
If you’re an open-source project author, apply to join the expo, choose a session format that works for you, and discuss, brainstorm, or hack together with the community.
How do we cook our lineup?
Start with two or three iconic keynotes as the base. Add a generous portion of local community speakers for that authentic flavor. Then, mix in a handful of speakers from around the globe to spice things up. Let the program committee carefully balance the ingredients to ensure the perfect blend of fairness and excitement.
A community-driven conference travelling across the Baltic Sea promoting the growth of local communities and the global Ruby and Rails ecosystems.
Those without whom we wouldn’t have made it.
Being a community sponsor means sharing its values, shaping the future for generations of Rubyists, and promoting ideas that benefit millions of people.
Join those who believe in a bright future for the Ruby community and earn recognition from Rubyists around the world!
Learn more about our mission and achievements: proposal,one-pager.